We have known about the importance of mentoring in developing people for decades. Yet, few organizations have successfully leveraged it as part of their overall strategy. Mentoring is about more than a single program that is able to solve all of the leadership and employee needs in any organization. It is also not about how mentoring can be used to make up for lack of support, infrastructure and organizational commitment to employee and leadership development.  Effectiveness takes Intelligent Mentoring or an approach for how companies can leverage mentoring in a way that aligns with company strategy and supports organizational and individual development.

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Leadership Development Using StrengthsFinders

The conceptual basis of the Clifton StrengthsFinder is grounded in more than three decades of the study of success across a wide variety of functions (from business to education) and many different cultures (nearly 50 countries). The Clifton StrengthsFinder measures not strengths, but the presence of talents in 34 general areas, or “themes.” While talents (recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied) naturally exist within individuals, strengths (the ability to provide consistent, near-perfect performance in a specific task) must be developed and are the product that results when one’s talents are refined with acquired skills and knowledge.

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Leadership Transitions Tips – 2021

  1. Communicate Your Expectations: Most individuals learn how their new leader leads by trial and error. Accelerate building relationships with your new staff by clarifying important expectations. Think about, “what is most important for those I am leading to know about me?” For example, share with your team:
  • What people can expect from you in terms of supervision
  • The type of attitudes and behaviors you will encourage/discourage
  • How you expect people to interact with one another and customers
  • What individuals can expect in terms of coaching and feedback
  • How you want others to keep you up-to-date
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Making A Decision About Coaching

Coaching is a conversation with a purpose. It provides the opportunity to work with a trusted advisor and is a critical part of professional and personal development. Knowing what you want to achieve is important and, because of this, you need to think about your goals and objectives. You may not know the exact reason for coaching, but having an idea of where you most need support can help direct your decision-making. Take a look at some of the major reasons for working with a coach and see if any of these seem familiar:

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Remote Leadership Guidelines and Tips – 2021

According to a study by software comparison site GetApp, the number of professionals who work remotely at least once per week has grown by 400 percent since 2010.

Here are tips for managing remote teams. In some instances, you will enhance or modify procedures and methods already established to strengthen remote leadership.

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