Professor • Business Administration, Psychology, Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh
Former Acting Dean • Honors College, University of Pittsburgh
Former Associate Dean • Pitt Business, University of Pittsburgh
Former Director • David Berg Center for Ethics and Leadership
Ph.D. University of Delaware (Psychology). DISSERTATION TITLE: Belief Similarity as the Basis for the Formation of Group Boundaries and the Reduction of Intergroup Bias.
M.S. University of Delaware (Psychology). THESIS TITLE: Perceived Control and Victim Derogation: Is the World Still Just?
B.S. Howard University, magna cum laude. MAJOR: Psychology, MINOR: Sociology
Mentoring and Professional Development
Diversity and Inclusion
Corporate Social Responsibility
Inclusive Leadership Development
Certified Strengthfinders Coach
Published Work
Murrell, A.J. (2020). Why didn’t someone stop them? Aversive racism and the responsibility of bystanders. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal, 2040-7149.
Murrell, A.J. (2020). Aversive racism: Foundations, impact, and future directions. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management.
Murrell, A.J. and Jones, R. (2020). Measuring food insecurity using the food abundance index: Implications for economic, health and social well-being. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 2434.
Murrell, A.J., Petrie, J.L. and Soudi, A. (2020). Diversity Across Disciplines: Research on People, Policy, Process and Paradigm. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Murrell, A.J. and Bangs, R. (2019). Reducing disparities for women and minority businesses: A call for social virtuousness. Frontiers Psychology: Gender and Diversity in the Workplace, 10:1-9.
Murrell, A.J. and Blake-Beard, S. (2017). Mentoring Diverse Leaders: Creating Change for People, Processes and Paradigms. New York, NY: Routledge Publishers.
Murrell, A.J., Trammel-Forte, S. and Bing, D. (2008). Intelligent Mentoring: How IBM Adds Value through People, Knowledge and Relationships. New York. NY: Pearson Publishers.
Murrell, A.J., Crosby, F. and Ely, R. (1999). Mentoring Dilemmas: Developmental Relationships within the Multicultural Organization. New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.